Construction at Langwarrin Community Centre
Kindergarten and Maternal Health Centre
- Langwarrin Community Centre Cite-
As many of you may be aware, it has been approved by Frankston City Council to add a 90 place Kindergarten and Maternal Health Centre to the Langwarrin Community Centre(LCC) site. This has been done with the support of the LCC Committee of Management.
This change will not happen for 18 months to 2 years.
Our Occasional Care and Outside of School Hours Care for ST Jude's students will be operating as normal until the construction commences, and will continue to do so throughout and after the process, although some disruption may occur during that time.
We will keep you updated over the next 12 – 18months and advise of any changes that may be occurring.
Please rest assured that our Childcare services remain unchanged and we are still able to operate our programs as usual.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact our reception staff or myself directly at any time,
Kind regards,
Jo Kiley (Tuesday - Friday)
5th August 2023
Langwarrin Community Centre Inc.
2 Lang Road, LANGWARRIN VIC 3910
Ph: 03 9789 7653
Neil Kinsey OAM
QA1 Educational Program and Practice
OSHC Educational Program Policy
QA2 Children’s Health and Safety
Acceptance and Refusal Authorisation Policy
Bottle Safety Preparation Policy
Child Information Sharing Scheme Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme
Child Safety and Well Being Policy
Delivery of children to and collection from an education and care service premises
Emergency and Evacuation Policy
Incident Injury Trauma and Illness Policy
Managing an Aggressive Person Visitor Policy
Nutrition and Food Safety Policy
Out of Hours Baby-sitting Policy
Reportable Conduct Scheme Policy
QA3 Physical Environment
QA4 Staffing Arrangements
Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment Policy
QA5 Relationships with Children
Behaviour Guidance Bullying Policy
Interactions with Children Families and Staff Policy
QA6 Collaborative Partnerships with Families and Communities
Enrolment and Orientation Policy
Termination of Enrolment Policy
QA7 Governance and Leadership
Dealing with Complaints Policy
Privacy and Confidentiality Policy
Writing Reviewing and Maintaining Policies